““Having a coach who sees you as a person, not just a number on the scale, or a score on a workout, is so important. I finally feel like I have the support I need to get where I want to go!””
“What I enjoy about working with Coach Justin is the approachability. He’s consistent, reliable, present and most of all non-judgmental, which can often be the hardest part when trying to get back to a certain weight or performance level. The moment I fall off track (because sometimes that can be inevitable), he makes it feel easy to get right back to better habits. Justin makes it easy and provides the right amount of guidance and accountability to keep me on track.”
“I had to pick up some packages from the mail room in my apartment building, and when the doorman on duty found the boxes, he looked at me, looked at them, tried lifting one, and goes "you better get a hand cart - these ones are marked heavy." With immense pleasure, I smiled at him and said "no, it's OK, I can lift" and picked up my boxes with no issue. He was genuinely shocked, and on my way to the elevators, I heard him say to one of the building maintenance men, "Look at her! Those are so heavy I couldn't even lift them!"
Realizing that I've built enough muscle to actually lift (some) heavy things and gained enough confidence to say as much in the first place put a smile on my face all day. Thank you for helping me with both. ”
“I started working with [Head Coach Justin] early in my pregnancy and he showed expertise and sensitivity in this aspect of training. I felt armed with all sorts of knowledge during the workouts that kept me fit and happy for nine months!”
“Living in the middle of a pandemic is not easy. I highly recommend taking advantage of the one-on-one programming! I personally have never had it before, and I've taken some time to hone in on gymnastics positioning and drills. It's been less than a month and I've already seen great improvements— and quickly! A lot of gymnastics skills I want to achieve in the future seem more feasible than they once did. I value the specific feedback and attention I have received. It has been a tough time, and I am proud of any progress I can make!”
“Since working with [FeelStrong], I have gotten rid of my past irrational food fears and feel at ease when it comes to my nutrition. I have been eating a more balanced diet and feel better than ever. I have also noticed that not only do I have more energy (and need less coffee), but that my body is working better and that I am able to perform better inside the gym. It has only been a couple of months, but I am down about 5 lbs and numerous inches. I finally feel in control of my nutritional goals, and I can't thank my coach enough for his help and support.”