well-rounded programs built specifically for you…
Feel Strong creates individual workout plans based on your goals, schedule, and situation. After a consult and assessment, you get workouts delivered daily and constant feedback and check-ins, including video form checks. Your program constantly adapts to YOU. General fitness, return from injury, sport specific, or simply aiming at your goals: we do it all, and we stand by our success.
Have you gotten hurt working out? Have you been told you’ll never workout at the same level as you used to? Do you avoid certain movements because you “always get hurt” and wish you could do these movements pain free? We assess you, joint by joint, to find limitations and causes of your pain, and we write programs that bring you back to full function based on your goals, not what someone else wants for you. You can be strong, you can move fast, and you can do what you want to do — it just requires a thoughtful plan based on your needs.
Weight loss, Muscle gain, or total re-composition: We will move you toward your goals in the most direct line we know how, always ready to adjust based on how YOU feel, how YOU respond, with a constant eye on safety. No BS supplements, no magic pills…the secret is consistency, good habits, and hard work.
Feeling tired, worn-out, and have low energy? Want to be able to keep up with your friends and family? Looking to improve day-to-day function without intimidating classes or workouts you don’t understand? We build a plan for you based on your goals and work with you to find the best way forward to full functions and a healthy, enjoyable, lifestyle. We focus on fitness for LIFE, not just the gym.
Justin is passionate about helping people achieve their goals on their own terms. Hundreds of satisfied clients speak to how his attention, empathy, and deep technical know-how allow him to craft programs that meet people exactly where they are, and get them where they want to go.
• Active Life Professional
• CrossFit L-2 Trainer
• CrossFit Gymnastics & CrossFit Weightlifting
• Precision Nutrition L-1
• FMS L-1
Book a free consult! We will connect you with a coach via phone or DM to answer any questions and determine if we’re a good fit for you. If we don’t think it’s a match, we’ll refer you to someone more appropriate.
AWESOME. Complete our in-depth questionnaire about your history, lifestyle, injuries, and goals. Once you fill it out, a coach will reach out to you.
That's up to you and your coach. Your coach will build a custom plan based on everything we’ve learned from your intake assessment, and it will work with your schedule, your goals, and your lifestyle. Workouts will change and adjust based on how you perform, how you feel, and what you and your coach think you need. If your goals or schedule change, your plan will change too.
Workouts are delivered via our online coaching platform, email, and a phone app. You record results, feedback, feelings, upload video, and even message your coach with questions and needs. We track history, performance, how often you workout - the works.
Definitely. If you need help with nutrition, recovery, and lifestyle, we are here for you. We can provide daily goals designed to improve your day-to-day experience alongides your workouts. If you need more specific nutrition help, we have a network of professional nutrition coaches we'll refer you to.